Vice Principal
Towards the journey of higher education in Bangladesh Joypurhat Govt. College is one of the path finders and a distinctive institution. During its 42 years of expedition for developing human resource and flourishing intellectual faculty the college has been contributing relentlessly to nation building. Being overwhelmingly involved in socio-economic and cultural development the institution has become a part and parcel of our national history. As the intellectual, scholar and learned teachers of the country enlighten the institution, the students of this institution demonstrate their proficiency in national and international arena. The institution has become an essential part of the glorious junctures of our national history like the Language Movement and the War of Liberation. In spite of its limitations Joypurhat Govt. College carries on the heritage of its glory. Combined with notable number of brilliant teachers and students it is still considered one of the best institutions offering higher education at college level in the country. Keeping on the trend of its glorious tradition the college works persistently in improving the quality of education.